The course examines dangerous goods regulations, the classification of chemicals, design and construction of tanks and finally operating requirements whereby the previous parts of the course are all brought together. The latest news on the developments concerning the security of dangerous goods in tank containers will also be covered.
The course will take place at the Holiday Inn, 16311 East Freeway, Channel View TX 77530. The training course costs US$2,000. An earlybird discount of 5 percent may be claimed by trainees registering by Friday 31 August. A further 15 percent is also gained by trainees who bring with them their own 2010 edition of the two-volume IMDG Code, however, it must be this latest edition of the Code.
The course also includes a visit to the Boasso Corporation depot at Channel View on Thursday 20 September.
Please email applications to rboneham@premiumuk.com