The old saying of ‘’Space is money’’ has never been truer. In many supply chains having the facility to free up space by using folding handling solutions can achieve huge savings.
Whether you have peaks and troughs due to seasonality of your business or simply have a fluctuation in your stock inventory the ability to utilize space to it best advantage can bring a whole new scope to how your operation can achieve maximum usage of space.
Within the logistics process the ability to fold and return your packaging can also achieve huge cost savings and minimize your operations carbon footprint .
Milford IBC have supplied folding material handling solutions for over 25 years and are pleased to announce the addition of two new folding handling solutions to their range,
The Milford KLK folding all plastic box pallets is manufactured in High density polyethylene and is available in two different sizes:-
1200x1000x1000mm with a capacity of 900litrs
1200x800x1000mm with a capacity of 700 litrs
The KLK range has been developed to overcome some of the drawbacks associated with other all plastic folding box pallets. A smooth internal and external finish helps to keep the units clean and also avoid the build up of water when stored outside. The Milford KLK also has a very impressive load carrying capacity of 750kg. Another unique feature of the KLK is the facility to have from one to four drop down gates to allow very easy access to your product.
The new range can easily be customized to each user’s requirements with the facility for large printing areas, labels holders, custom colours, sequential numbering, internal divider systems and many more customized options available.
For more information, please see the product selector or contact your nearest Milford IBC representative.