With the funds the company will acquire an additional 15 Renault Premium tractor units; five will be specified with ADR and Pet Reg compliance and will aid the growth of the fuels fleet on the Humber as well as the start of the Teesside fuels operation in the summer of 2013. The remaining eight tractor units will be specified with hydraulic discharge fitted compressors for use in the company’s bulk powder operation.
To build on the long term partnership between Clugston Distribution and InterBulk, four of the vehicles – pulling new intermodal 30 foot tipping trailers built by Martrans – will be finished in InterBulk livery. Four 49 cbm powder tankers have also been ordered from Feldbinder to take advantage of the bulk ash derivatives supply chain and to bolster additional capacity into Clugston’s cement tanker fleet to meet customer demand.
On the fuels logistics side a new fuels tanker, built by Cobo and liveried in Clugston’s distinctive light blue, will be on fleet in April and will be used in the new Teesside operation from June.
Commenting on the investment David Heath, general manager, said: “We are extremely pleased that the board of Clugston is backing our strategy of expansion in targeted markets. We are expecting 2013 to be a successful growth year across all areas of the business and we remain positive about reinforcing our market position with our current client base as well as new customers.”