The peculiarities and perspectives of alterations in the legislation due to accession of Russia in WTO and forming of the Customs Union, up-to-date status of container-related normative base and tendencies of its development within the ISO, GOST R, IMO and Rostekhnadzor, working-out of normative documents by RS and survey during construction of containers and in service, insurance of containers and goods were considered at the conference.
Particular emphasis of the participants was placed on issues of container equipment theft during the transportation through the Russian Federation, difference in the terminology of the customs normative documents, absence of proper monitoring of containers technical condition on the part of the Administration of the Russian Federation. The necessity was pointed out for harmonisation of national and international requirements in respect of standardisation of containers, modernisation of railroad structure, terminal handlers and ports, using of electronic seals and electronic identifiers of containers and goods to ensure their safe transportation to a greater degree, etc.
As it was noted by RS Chief Executive Officer Mikhail Ayvazov, “To solve these matters, we are to combine our efforts as only interaction of all the participants of the transportation process enables to increase the efficiency of container transportation, ensure its quality, speed and safety. Therewith, further development of the normative base, in particular, rules for container manufacture, and prompt submitting of qualified and highly competitive services on container survey are the paramount tasks of the RS”.
At average, worldwide extent of container transportation equals to 50 – 60 per cent of the total extent of dry cargo transportation. In case this indicator is evaluated for the general cargo only, in some ports the extent of container transportation exceeds 90 per cent of the entire freight turnover. In Russia, the grow rate of the international container transportation remain short of the world parameters, thus the review of container turnover growth in our ports for the recent year demonstrates positive dynamics. According to expert evaluation it increased more than twice during the last four years.