Kerry-ITS joined @tco (Asia Tank Container Organization) in 2012. The depot operator has also received accreditation for its Singapore (regional head office) and Thailand depots, after passing the depot audit engaged by an appointed class surveyor. The next one going through the same audit will be the fifth tank depot in Kandla, India, and the Shanghai depot, Kerry-ITS Terminal (Shanghai) Co, Ltd, which will be relocated by June 2013.
The Shanghai team has found a new, bigger location within the same Baoshan District, at Pan Xu Road, with an area of 10,000 sqm, currently under construction. With a bigger depot with upgraded facilities, it will be able to cater to the increasing demands for cleaning, repair and storage of ISO tanks, with a storage capacity of 500 TEU. It has upgraded cleaning facilities and bio-reactor treatment system with nano-filtration and reverse osmosis, similar to the facility in Singapore.