The new factory is producing FIBCs and related woven PP products. The FIBC range includes: U panel, circular cross corner, and single loop bags, along with baffle, asbestos, and ventilated FIBCs.
The facility can also turn out sift proof, form-fitted liner, sling and UN bags, as well as conductive type C, and dissipative type D units.
Gujarat is often said to be India’s most industry-friendly state, situated some five hours drive north of Mumbai. The factory covers 17,000 sqm, and consolidates and centralises the entire production process in a manner that conforms to international norms and expectations. Right from the launch date the entire factory is ISO 9001 complaint.
Production commenced with a team of 100, having an installed capacity of 400 MT/month, expandable to over 1000 MT/month. A tape extrusion PP tape stretching plant has been acquired from Lohia Starlinger, while a gravimetric batch blending and conveying system has been supplied by Aerodry Plastics Automation.
An integral part of the factory is the Neo Lab, a ‘think tank’ in which company employees can discuss ideas for innovative solutions to meet customer needs. This is supported by a computerised universal tensile testing machine, UV accelerated weathering equipment, ash content test machine, melt flow indexer (for PP granules), electronic weighing scales and FIBC testing rig.