With a myriad of high risk processes and flammable chemicals, sophisticated flame detection is amongst the highest of priorities in the chemical and petrochemical industries; and with its latest safety solution, Draeger Safety UK is helping to keep workers protected round the clock.
The new Drager Flame 3000 is a highly advanced explosion-proof image processing flame detector. It has been designed for standalone operation and can also be integrated with a control system or fire panel, offering a reliable solution to flame detection, as well as a high level of false alarm immunity.
The chemical industry encompasses a wide array of diverse processes and applications, and, as a result, the Flame 3000 can work alongside Dräger’s entire range of flame detection equipment, to create a bespoke solution for every client. This tailored approach is driven by the application, including substance, surrounding environment and processes, fire type (hydrocarbon or non-hydrocarbon) and size.
The state-of-the-art flame 3000 and existing Flame 5000 are suitable for use in hazardous environments such as refineries, chemical and pharmaceutical plants since the sensitivity is not affected by reflections. Impervious to CO2 emissions along with hot gases and equipment, the flame detection system can be installed in any industrial situation where potential fire source exists. .
Chris Baldwin, Product Manager, Draeger Fire & Gas Systems, said: “In the chemical and petrochemical industries there is no room for error. Our flame detection solutions are designed to mitigate against false alarms, with sophisticated technology that warns you only when there is a real incident to deal with, thus saving precious time and money.
“Our new Flame 3000 and wider flame detection range can easily be calibrated to work in conjunction with existing control systems or fire panelling, able to activate deluge systems, beacons and sounders.
“The effects of fire in the workplace can be devastating and we know the importance of creating peace of mind for workers in hazardous industries, which is why our advanced fire detection systems are designed in this way.”
The newer Drager model is based on the proven technology of the Drager Flame 5000, and is believed to offer the greatest coverage of any flame detector on the market today. With so many different chemical processes to take into consideration, its wide field of view makes the Flame 3000 an ideal system for use in the chemical industry.
Chris continued: “The system is able to utilise advanced technology combining digital signal processing with software algorithms to process and interpret the characteristics of flame, discriminating between genuine fire conditions and other radiant sources that may produce unwanted false alarms. The Flame 3000 is unaffected by the background radiation found in many industrial environments, making it an essential piece of equipment for the chemical industry.
“It is imperative that where flame detectors are employed, the choice of detection is carefully chosen to ensure optimal performance and prevent false alarms. Dräger’s team of experts can help tailor the approach to every client’s particular requirements, whether this is the new Flame 3000 or other detectors in our wide range.”
Dräger Fire and Gas Detection Systems offer products, services and system solutions for all encompassing toxic, flammable and oxygen detection, flame detection and design, build, commission and maintenance of fire and gas detection systems for protection of personnel and assets.