Maersk Group and NorSea Group have today agreed on the sale of Danbor’s core business activities in logistics and services for the wind and oil and gas industries. The sale from Maersk to NorSea Group is expected to be completed by 30 April 2014.
NorSea Group has a strong position in the market for logistics and services to the Norwegian oil and gas industries, but also has offices in Scotland and Australia. The acquisition of Danbor means the company can now serve customers in all parts of the North Sea.
“International expansion is part of NorSea Group’s stated strategy. Danbor is an established and solid company in our core business and fits in well with the other companies that form part of the NorSea Group. NorSea Group sees many similarities between the companies and great opportunities to create synergies between Danbor and NorSea Group’s other companies and operations,” says John Stangeland, CEO of NorSea Group.
Danbor was established in 1974. It is an international company with 500 employees and a turnover in 2013 of over DKK 500 million. The company, which is headquartered in Esbjerg, is today one of the world’s largest providers of on and offshore solutions to the international oil and gas industry. It also provides logistics and component handling to the wind turbine industry.
“Danbor is a healthy and well-managed company, which is not part of our strategic focus and therefore deserves a dedicated owner who will be able to develop the business further. NorSea Group is a recognised player in the industry, and I am confident that they will drive the business forward with the right spirit and a long-term perspective in mind,” says Jakob Thomasen, member of the Maersk Executive Board.
Danbor’s subsidiary Maersk H2S Safety Services A/S, which provides safety services to the offshore industry, will now become part of Maersk Training.
“I am convinced that Maersk has found the right owners to ensure that our two companies continue to grow and that we are able to maintain quality and the excellent service our staff provide. The incorporation into the new companies will have no immediate impact either on daily operations or existing contractual obligations. We will strive to create as positive a transition as possible and look forward to pursuing our strategic objectives in the new set-up,” says Søren Fløe Knudsen, CEO of Danbor.