A specially equipped Hoyer tank container is being transported throughout Europe to help achieve that goal. The collaborative project started in July 2012 and involves public administrations, chemical business associations and research institutions from eight European countries. The goal is to test and standardise currently available tracking and tracing systems in order to improve them for their use in intermodal transport. Future systems are even supposed to be enabled to send a message automatically notifying rescue crews of accidents.
Being one of the project partners, Hoyer has made a tank container available for a pilot transport. The container is fitted with transponder systems made by five different manufacturers and the transport is carried out for a large chemical client under real-life conditions. The tank left the UK at the beginning of April 2014 and arrived on schedule a few days later at the Hoyer terminal in ValuePark Schkopau (Germany). From there, it was brought to its final destination in Ukraine via Hungary.
The tank container’s entire route was closely monitored. Among other things, the project partners documented the quality of the GPS information in order to enable the subsequent implementation of technical improvements.
“Transportation safety is a core concern of ours,” said Hans Demarest, manager Tankpool Management at Hoyer. “As a partner of the project ‘ChemLog T&T’ we are glad to contribute our know-how and our many years of experience in intermodal traffic. That way we are actively supporting the development of future tracking and tracing technologies.”