The contract involves extensive parts of goods transport between the client’s various sites as well as delivery of raw materials and transport of liquid finished products.
What makes the contract significant is the package of transport equipment the Liquid CONcept will use for different purposes. For this contract alone the company is making available around 100 tank trailers, 25 tank containers and 20 IBCs, including the latest heatable versions. By using different types of transport the company says it can always react flexibly to actual requirements and ensure that the client’s production processes run smoothly.
The contract provides for Liquid CONcept to take over the entire co-ordination and handling of transport for the cacao business. IBCs will be used in the main for smaller quantities or deliveries of samples, while tank containers will transport unprocessed products and finished goods between the company’s various sites. The large tank trailers will primarily be used for deliveries of crude material to works premises and of finished products to customers.