Den Hartogh Logistics says it is showing scores significantly above industry average in terms of Safety and Quality Assessment System (SQAS).
Where the average SQAS score for transport services in the market is at 77 percent, Den Hartogh says its average is 96 percent .
SQAS is a system to evaluate the quality, safety, security and environmental performance of logistics service providers in a uniform matter. This is done by a single standardised assessment, carried out by independent assessors, using a standard and detailed questionnaire. The questionnaire is developed by Cefic, the Chemical Industry Council, representing 29,000 large, medium and small chemical companies in Europe.
The SQAS assessment helps Den Hartogh identify and improve potential weak areas. It is a means for continuous improvement and therefore an important element of Responsible Care applied to logistics operations.
The nine country sites of Den Hartogh throughout Europe where all re-assessed in 2014 by independent assessors appointed by Cefic. The last assessments dated back to 2011 as the SQAS reports are valid for a maximum period of three years.
The average score in 2011 was already at 86 percent. But Den Hartogh was eager to improve processes and systems even further. The assessments in 2014 showed a strong improvement for each of the assessed sites and the Cefic assessors where impressed by the way processes where embedded throughout the organisation.