The IFS audit checklist comprises close to 100 examination points including the ISO 9001 requirements in the areas of quality management and risk and hygiene management on the basis of HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control points). Upon a company being granted the certification, compliance with it is monitored annually by an accredited inspection body.
Compliance with the IFS standards and verification of this by independent bodies is very important to the liquid logistics company in ensuring they maintain their standards or product safety, quality, and transparency when it comes to shipping and storing foodstuffs. The IFS Logistics certification applies to all modes of transport and all food products irrespective of the temperatures at which they are shipped. “We used the findings of the last certification to further improve our service and offer our customers even greater reliability in the transportation of liquid foodstuffs,” says Eycke-Christian Dörre, Managing Director of Liquid CONcept GmbH & Co. KG.