Contargo Ziegler Combitrac will be active in the area of container transport logistics and will market forwarding services for containers in the European hinterland as well as transport services by truck and rail as a bundled offer. The company will operate the terminals in Hof (Contargo) and Wiesau (Ziegler) and will also integrate the location of Glauchau into the Container Hub structure.
The offer at these terminals will include the handling, storage and repair of containers, as well as the handling at the terminal, and transfer onto trucks, of logs transported on block trains, and the handling of containers carrying wood waste. In addition to the already-existing rail connection to the northern seaports, it is intended to offer a connection to the western seaports in future.
The company will be jointly managed by Stefan Ziegler (Ziegler) and Robert Sebald (Contargo) who believe that more frequent departures, increased rail transport capacities, greater depot space and more flexible delivery/collection will ensure an ample logistics capacity, especially for the wood industry in Northern Bavaria. The joint venture is subject to the approval of the antitrust authorities.