Suretank was chosen as the partner for the project due to the quality requirements dictated by the end user along with the capability to support Nippon operations in different regions.
Both TNS and NSENGI required specific design and build capabilities that focused on specific operational requirements for each location, so choosing a partner with a proven track record for custom design supported by recognised certifications was a prerequisite.
Speaking about the projects, Sales Manager Greg Bailey said, “These projects are perfect examples of what differentiates Suretank from our competitors. Suretank provided a design and build solution to specific Nippon operational requirements and offered a solution that included a number of technically specialist unit types. We were able to work in a consultative way with the customers and delivered despite the current commercial challenges of the oil and gas sector.”
At the completion of the project both NSENGI and TNS commented that Suretank proved to be the right choice for this project. Suretank delivered high quality units that were fit for purpose, meeting the tight delivery times required.