This involves not just process automation, but also constant optimisation to ensure the sustainable handling of resources, the precise forecasting of requirements and efficient international and intermodal route planning. Alongside compliance with the values of the family-led company, transparency, networking and creating synergies are given the highest priority. “With Lutz Rahn and his team, we are further strengthening our competence in the digitalisation of logistics”, explains Ortwin Nast, Chief Executive Officer of the HOYER Group. “In the past, the HOYER Group has developed products that have pushed through new market standards”, says Lutz Rahn, Head of Digitalisation and Projects. “I see the development and enhancement of pioneering products as the major challenge.” Lutz Rahn was previously CIO at Hermes Europe GmbH and most recently developed strategies on digital transformation for logistics companies on a consultancy basis.
The international logistics company HOYER has been pushing networked solutions such as Track & Trace, Vendor Management Inventory, Geofencing, Smart Tank and Supply Chain Solutions already. All developments are highly user-friendly: complex connections are presented to customers in concise analyses. For example, Smart Tank sensors report temperature deviations and Track & Trace provides information on journey time deviations. Geofencing proactively tells customers expected loading and unloading times and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) ensures smooth, fully automated logistics for supplying service stations. Electronic data handling is also used for delivery notes, certificates and invoicing. In-house expertise is effectively used to further develop digital solutions so that customers around the world are best prepared for the future.
HOYER also actively supports cross-company initiatives such as KV 4.0, which aims at the digitalisation of intermodal supply chains and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure as part of the mFUND (modernisation funding) funding initiative.