Sustainability is certain to be top of mind for all attendees. It’s a priority that impacts the entire supply chain, but there are unique demands and challenges regarding sustainability for the industrial packaging market.
Throughout the upcoming Industrial Pack event there will be substantive discussions about the importance of sustainability. Presentations from leading experts will share their experience in reusable packaging so that attendees gain a better understanding of sustainable use and recyclability of industrial packaging.
Industrial Pack is proud to have the support of RIPA, (Reusable Industrial Packaging Association). RIPA represents over 90% of the industrial packaging reconditioning industry in North America. Their advice and counsel has played a key role in developing Industrial Pack Conference topics impacting sustainability.
According to RIPA, “it is estimated that total greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by approximately 2 billion pounds (900,000 tons) per year, based on the amount of reusable packaging already in use. RIPA believes this number could be significantly increased if industrial packaging users made concerted efforts to use greater numbers of reusable packagings.”
New pledges of commitment to expand sustainability programs, spans across the industrial packaging sector from mid-sized to the largest organizations. As a result, innovation will play a key role in the areas of reduction, reuse, recycling and, recovery.
Registration for Industrial Pack is now open and for further information about registration and a full list of Exhibitors visit www.industrialpackexpo.com or contact Annabelle Arch