The short films cover a variety of subjects, from an industry-facing edit aimed at attracting more supporters to Think Logistics, to student-focused interviews and several ‘day in the life’ shorts demonstrating to viewers exactly what working in the sector is like. The bitesize clips are designed to be effective on individual company’s social media channels and company websites.
Think Logistics founder Steve Granite, said: “This is an opportunity for companies of all sizes to use these films free of charge to raise awareness of the sector and directly benefit from increasing the size of their talent pool for opportunities in their businesses.
Having been involved in Think Logistics from the start, I have seen countless examples of the benefits young people can bring to an organisation; we hope these videos will enable companies to easily demonstrate what opportunities are available and how the reality of working in logistics is very different from what people may think.
These films are not the property of Think Logistics; we consider them the property of the sector, as we hope they will support new talent coming through, change perceptions of the profession and increase the number of people who consider logistics as a career path.
I’d like to thank Department for Transport for the funding provided to produce these films, on behalf of the logistics sector.”
The release of the films marks the end of the Think Logistics Working Party that was set up in 2017 to create a common strategy to attract young people into logistics. Those organisations included Abbey Logistics Group, Career Ready, CILT UK, FTA and NOVUS. The concept of “Think Logistics” is now a major driving force across each organisation.
The initiative also pulled together NOVUS, who operate under the umbrella of CILT (UK) and focus on university students, and Career Ready, a UK-wide employability charity that works with schools and colleges, as both entities work with companies to open up the world of work to young people.
Both organisations run structured and coordinated programmes that depend on support from logistics volunteers. With increased support from the sector, and more companies joining each month, Career Ready and NOVUS can deliver more mentoring, workshops and work placements, securing future talent for the profession.
To access the films please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw3_Z4IBxWQ0WEV2jGSkiAg or to download copies for offline use please visit: http://bit.ly/ThinkLogisticsFilms