At the EFIBCA Annual General Meeting in Amsterdam in mid-October, the previous President Roelof Veld (Boxon GmbH) was unanimously confirmed for two more years in his post. In addition to the two vice-Presidents, Seref Orhun (Chempack) and Christian Leeb (Starlinger & co. Gesellschaft m.b.H) as well as the other Council members, who were also re-elected, the board will be strengthened by two further members.
Marcel Schouten (LC Packaging International) and Lou Blockx (Louis Blockx nv) are with immediate effect Council Members to support the previous members in their work and to set new impulses.
On the second day of the meeting, the EFIBCA Open Meeting shared practical presentations from the FIBC world with numerous non-members. The new training workshop of the 1st FIBC Academy was presented, which will be offered monthly by EFIBCA together with FIBC expert Dr. Amir Samadijavan, staring from November 2019.
The training workshop will consist of three modules including a visit to a fully equipped testing facility near Vienna. All aspects of the procurement and manufacturing of FIBCs are considered, comprising a deep insight into design, production and requirements of FIBC, and how to boost your business and improve your knowledge.
The training workshop is designed for small groups to provide enough time to discuss individual cases and questions of participants. It is recommended to book all three as a complete package.