The Antwerp Port Regulations (article include mandatory training provisions for everybody engaged in making dangerous goods notifications for handling dangerous cargoes in the port. The mandatory training consists of 2 modules – ‘IMDG Code training’ and ‘Antwerp Port Regulations for Dangerous Cargoes training’. The ‘IMDG Code training’ module has to be certified by the Harbour Master.
Existing Exis customers who have taken courses since 1 January 2020 and any new customers moving forward can use their training certificate as a valid IMDG-certificate in the Port of Antwerp information system to register themselves as a “dangerous goods notifier”.
IMDG Code e-learning was developed ten years ago in collaboration with the International Maritime Organization for shore side staff involved in the handling and transport of dangerous goods by sea. Multimodal general awareness, job-related function specific, advanced and refresher training courses are available. The courses are used by every link in the sea transport chain including 6 of the top 10 container lines for their global training programs. IMDG Code e-learning is certified by Det Norske Veritas and has also been certified for use by several competent authorities globally.
Exis is offering a 10% discount on all IMDG Code e-learning web courses until 30 June 2020 to help people to train globally while working at home during the Covid-10 pandemic. www.imdge-learning.com