The ingredients for the hand sanitsers are mixed in a large reactor. After mixing is completed, the contents is then distributed to tank containers that hold 25,000 litres each. Scandi Bulk AB is the company that owns the tank containers and handles the transport between Perstorp and Lefab which fills the small bottles. Johan Ljungmark is the CEO of Scandibulk AB and ensures that the right amount reaches Lefab’s production facility in Älvängen at the appointed time.
Scandi Bulk’s tank containers are loaded onto a truck for further transport to Lefab. As the mixing takes place in large reactors, the disinfectant containers are stored at the Port of Helsingborg before being bottled and packaged for further shipping to the end customer.
The disinfectant is only stored for a short time due to the high demand. In total, there are about seven storage days in the Port of Helsingborg. The finished hand and surface disinfection is finally delivered to the National Board of Health, which distributes the product between the regions.