Following the decision from late April to cancel the physical event in Budapest due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the revised and more coincise programme now presented will feature three daily digital sessions, taking place in the early afternoon. The schedule has been designed to maximise participation for the EPCA Global Membership.
On Monday 5 October the CEO & C-Suite Leadership Forum titled “Taking Stock of Post-Covid Priorities for Petrochemicals in Europe: Overview and Outlook from the C-Suite” will be officially opened by EPCA president Marc Schuller, chief operating officer of Arkema. The opening session will feature four renowned industry leaders who will share their opinions on the ‘new normal’ and its likely trends. They will give an inspirational vision on the post-pandemic sustainable economy and society.
2020 is certainly a year for transformation of the petrochemical industry. Like most other sectors, the petrochemical industry has been impacted by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world. While some regions are progressively easing their lockdown measures and experiencing the return to a “new normal”, uncertainties still remain about what the future will bring, and which strategies and interventions will prove necessary and efficient in the mid- to long-term. Climate change and circular economy initiatives remain high on the Global and European political agenda and our sector continues to progress on this journey of transformation.
Logistics & Supply Chain Digital Session
Tuesday 6 October will be dedicated to discovering new trends, operating patterns and technology innovations within supply chains. This session will focus on the prominent role of technology in the supply chain, reflecting on how the crisis has accelerated emerging trends and how the petrochemical sector has reacted and adapted to these new challenges. This will also be an opportunity to highlight technological developments and emerging opportunities for logistic service providers, such as ensuring end-to-end supply chain visibility, achieving close collaboration along the value chain, addressing sustainability challenges and continuing to innovate and thrive in the post-pandemic economy. This session will feature Peter Hinssen, entrepreneur, speaker and author, co-founder and partner at nexxworks, together with two other high-level speakers.
Virtual Keynote Speech by Professor Lin Boqiang
Hosted on Wednesday 7 October, a virtual keynote speech by distinguished professor and Dean of China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy, School of Management, Xiamen University. Lin Boqiang’s current research and teaching areas include energy economics and energy policy.
Professor Lin Boqiang will provide us with a comprehensive overview and insights into the current situation in China with a focus on the Chinese economic recovery, China’s energy transition and the role of industrial innovations.
Karin Helmstaedt, presenter and reporter at DW Culture, will again moderate the Business Sessions.
Participation to these three digital sessions is free of charge for delegates of EPCA member companies having paid their 2020 membership fees. Registration will be required, and the registration process will be possible from early September onwards. Further information on the practicalities and the programme will be released over the coming weeks.
EPCA has also recently launched the EPCA Community App that fosters connection between delegates and the sharing of experiences. The App can be downloaded on Google Play or Apple App stores or by searching for “EPCA Community”