The newly-built logistics centre proves the competence of Hoyer to develop comprehensive supply chain solutions in contract logistics. An understanding of details and extensive expertise regarding the processes within customers’ own procedures are the key to this. Ulrich Grätz, global director, supply chain solutions (SCS) in the Hoyer Group, says:
“The logistics centre is entirely built and structured according to customers’ differentiated needs. Extensive analyses, discussions and tightly scheduled project management formed the basis. Despite minor delays due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are very satisfied.”
Hoyer invested around EUR 25 million in the logistics centre, which was largely completed in June 2020 after a two-year construction phase. Around 20 employees operate state-of-the-art equipment on the site, e.g. a filling plant adapted in accordance with customer’s requirements. Moreover, specially-developed warehouse storage software is being used. The complex consists of a total of five subdivisions, including a warehouse building with storage bays for 10,000 metal boxes, exclusively for one customer and a pallet warehouse, containing 12,000 high rack storage bays for various raw materials and finished goods.
The packaging materials warehouse, which has more than 3,000 storage spaces, is situated adjacent to the pallet warehouse. Two filling plants are situated in this area of the logistics centre for this purpose. The Hoyer team plans and carries out transport movements of products from the production facility to the logistics centre, and fills dispersions into drums and bulk packs. Ulrich Grätz adds:
“We also carry out the handling of full packages, preparation for shipment, order-picking, loading and shipment.”
The construction time of the whole logistics centre was about two years. As Ulrich Grätz emphasises:
“By implementing this major project, we further strengthened our name as a logistics services specialist along our customers’ entire supply chain. We have also undertaken this task for the future: to supply solutions and set standards in the market.”
The logistics solutions provided by Supply Chain Solutions are used worldwide. The division’s core activities comprise all the logistics processes in the customer’s plant and off-site, including on-site logistics, filling and blending, operating intermodal terminals, dangerous goods terminals and dry-bulk logistics. The Hoyer Group is currently represented in more than 30 different international chemicals producers’ plants, including at several sites in Germany, China and Saudi-Arabia. The logistics specialist operates wherever the chemical industry has a demand for tailor-made logistics solutions – in reliable quality and to the highest safety standards.