
UK Reach – a move towards a pragmatic solution

On Monday 6 December 2021, the Government announced that it will consult on extending the deadlines for UK REACH, and that work will take place to develop a new data model that would be workable and affordable for business and deliver the levels of data to support UK REACH registrations.

CBA UK Reach response

This follows a series of meetings and communications between industry and Government and of which the Chemical Business Association has been a key participant and contributor.

In response to the Government’s announcement, CBA’s Chief Executive, Tim Doggett said, “This is a common sense, pragmatic way forward to solving what is an intractable problem. 

The original intention – to create a mirror image of the data held by the European Chemicals Agency for EU REACH – would involve replicating this testing data for UK purposes. This would be a massive cost to UK industry as well as the likelihood of having to repeat and duplicate animal testing.” 

“Industry remains committed to creating a fit-for-purpose regulatory regime which adopts the highest contemporary levels of chemical safety and environmental protection. 

We look forward to continuing to work with the Government and other stakeholders and to contribute further towards the Government’s intention of extending the deadlines for the full registration data in order that a new model can be considered that would reduce the need for industry to replicate existing EU REACH data”