LAG Trailers is an experienced player in the fuel and tanker world and therefor knows exactly which requirements need to be met. Hence the reason the company designs its own AdBlue discharge installation. The new design completely eradicates all moving parts from its design. This reduces the wear and tear of such equipment as well as the servicing needs.
AdBlue installation with additive pump
The most important feature of the new installation is the possibility to connect an additive pump to it. This is an increasingly common demand from the market.
Master designer Verstraten explains it as follows: “We identified an increasingly requested need in the market. In order for an Adblue pump to function optimally, an additive is indispensable. This is certainly where our AdBlue installation comes in handy.” LAG Trailers will provide its own AdBlue tankers with this option as standard.
Belgian know-how
The new unloading installation was designed entirely in-house at LAG Trailers in Bree, Belgium. The company produces and assembles the new parts entirely at its own production site in Limburg. Furthermore, the company also uses Belgian pumps of the brand Packo that lend themselves perfectly to pumping AdBlue.