
Global tank container fleet reaches 882,023 units

ITCO, the International Tank Container Organisation, has published its 13th Annual Tank Container Fleet Survey. This year’s Survey estimates that, at 1 January 2025, the global tank container fleet had reached 882,023 units worldwide, compared to the figure of 848,400 on 1 January 2024, a year-on-year growth of 3.96%.

Approximately 42,100 new tank containers were built in 2024 , compared to 56,600 new units in the previous year. However, with some 8,500 tanks being scrapped, or sold out of the industry, the overall growth in the global fleet was just over 33,600 units.

The Survey shows how, numerically, the industry continues to be dominated (on a global level) by a relatively small number of major tank container operators and leasing companies. The top 10 operators accounted for over 301,750 tanks, representing just under 50% of the global tank container operators’ fleet (619,741 tanks). The top 10 lessors accounted for 319,733 tanks, representing about 84% of the total leasing fleet (381,781 tanks).

Commenting on the results of the Survey, Paul Gooch ITCO President, notes: “It’s that time of the year again for ITCO to publish the ‘Annual Global Tank Container Fleet Survey’. This is the 13th Edition of our industry survey, and it remains an important reference document for companies active in the tank container industry, as well as investors, financial institutions, and consultants conducting market studies and exploring potential investment opportunities.

“The global fleet is now 882,000 units, which represents a growth of 3.9%. over January 1st, 2024. Considering all of the challenges of the marketplace, geopolitical tensions, weak investment and productivity growth, and ageing populations, it is encouraging to see the tank container fleet continuing to grow ahead of global GDP growth. It is a testament to the value of the tank container as a safe and sustainable piece of equipment, ideally suited to intermodal traffic.

“As always, we want to express our appreciation to all the ITCO members who have contributed their data to this Global Fleet Survey, and to the ITCO Secretariat for compiling and collating the data, and publishing this report so soon into the new year.”