ITCO Tank Container e-learning is suitable for those with a direct responsibility in the operation or management of tank containers but intended for all personnel within a company, including those who may not be directly involved with tank containers but for whom general awareness training may benefit both the individual and the business. This includes those involved with tank containers, either directly or otherwise, such as tank operators, shippers, carriers, lessors, surveyors and depot service providers. The course provides a firm grounding in order to progress to further training to meet the specific functions of such roles.
The ITCO’s objective with this new initiative is to aid consistent and measurable training on the use of tank containers and promote professionalism and safe practice within industry through the advancement of knowledge.
The course content provides a background to the tank container industry, components of the tank and their use, regulations appertaining to the tank, operating the tank and finally depot services including inspection, cleaning, repairs and testing.
The ITCO was established in 1998, and represents the international tank container industry to the public and to governmental bodies. It has around 170 members worldwide, including operators, lessors, manufacturers, service providers, inspectors and surveyors, and represents around 90 percent of the global tank container industry fleet capacity. Its mission is to promote and represent tank containers as a safe, cost-efficient and flexible means of transport.
ITCO Tank Container e-learning will be available to purchase from December 2016.