Founded in 1949, Fernlast Spedition is one of the leading companies in the transportation of white, liquid and granulated raw materials for the food industry. The acquisition of Laabs means Fernlast Spedition will almost double the number of tank and silo trailers it operates daily to 170 units, strengthening the companies position in food transportation.
“With Laabs, we are able to bundle our strengths to better meet the changing market demand for bulk liquid food transportation and offer customers the right solutions,” Alexander Mock, managing partner of Industrie- und Handelsunion Dr. Wolfgang Boettger GmbH & Co. KG, said of the contract, which was signed in Berlin on 27 September.
“In the Boettger Group, Laabs has found a new owner whose service portfolio it complements in the best possible way,” said Carsten Taucke, CEO of Imperial Logistics International. The parties have agreed not to disclose the details of the contract. Following the completion of the transaction on 31 October 2017, Laabs and Fernlast Spedition will work closely together under joint management.
Laabs GmbH, Spedition, which was founded in 1945, has specialized in the transportation of dark liquid goods for the food industry since 1968 and was taken over by Imperial Logistics International in 2007.